A Survivor

On October 1st 2015 I was driving my son to school on a country road when I happened to glance over in the other lane. Sitting curled up right in the middle of the lane was something orange. I knew it had to be a cat. I had to drop my son off so I thought if it was still there when I left I would stop. The school is on the same road and I saw lots of vehicles going that way, even a semi truck. I was so hoping that it was ok. I finally left the school and headed home. Sure enough the cat was still there and alive. I pulled over and saw that it was just a kitten and it was bleeding. I searched my van for something to pick it up with and all I found was a plastic bag. I picked up the poor baby and rushed him to the closest vet. The vet immediately started cleaning him up. I assumed that since I found him on the road he had been hit by a car. When the vet was cleaning him he saw that the wound on the top of his head was a puncture wound, also one side of his lip was torn up, and all his back claws were broken. The vet said he had probably been picked up by a hawk, fought for his life and it dropped him. It took over 20 stitches to fix him up. I already had a dog and cat at home and was pregnant with my second child but I didn't hesitate to bring him home and make him a part of our family. I named him Finn after my grandma who was also a survivor. Finn has been a wonderful addition to our family and is now a huge, fluffy cat that is quite happy to live strictly indoors with our 2 other cats and 2 dogs. Saving his life is one of the best things I've ever done and an incredible way to show my sons to have compassion for animals and not be the type of person who just drives by when someone is in need.

London, Canada