Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



We have been rescuing cats from our yard for many years. This time someone dropped off a pregnant cat. She had 5 kittens. One day I opened the door, and this tiny kitten climbed over the door sill and sat by my foot. I looked down and she was looking up at me with this sweet face. I was hooked; I said "what you doing shortstuff?" She has been ours for 2 years along with her brother Pi. We now have 8 fur babies.

jean mckissick

In the ditch

In the ditch

On the way for my afternoon walk I turned left, and right there were two baby puppies. One was already dead; it looked as if a car may have clipped it. The other puppy was just laying halfway on top of her. It looked like he was trying to help her wake up. I picked up the puppy and got him inside while my husband took care of the other one.
We took our new puppy to our vet that day, and other then needing some food and having worms pretty bad, he was doing well concerning what he had already been thru.
We named our new boy Lucky! Lucky for both him and my husband! He has adjusted so very well with our other three dogs, which all have their own special story on how we adopted each and every one of them!
Thank you for letting me share.

Kelle Thorne

She Picked Me

She Picked Me

After losing my beloved Coton de Tulear in January 2014, I was looking online for a facility in the area where I might be able to volunteer for awhile when I saw Nella's photo and video. I went to meet her on January 29 and then again on January 31. I had put in an application for adoption after our first meeting and was in love after our second meeting.

At the second meeting she waltzed onto my lap and we hung out on the floor in the lobby for an hour and a half (with Nella napping for most of it). Deanna, the gal who was assisting me, asked Nella if she had made her choice at which time Nella looked at her, licked my hand, and went back to sleep. However, the board decided to place her with another family - one who had a yard, a doggy friend and someone who was home most of the day. I was sad but understood.

Then the next week was crazy busy at work and resulted in a ton of OT for me; the following week (February 11-12, 2014) I was traveling for said work. Thursday morning, back in the office, I received an email from Cagefree K-9 Camp & Rescue asking if I was still interested in adopting her. Turned out Nella isn't good with cats and the family who adopted her had a cat so they returned her to Cagefree on Friday (Valentine's Day). Well, duh, of course I still wanted her. I picked her up Sunday, February 16 after church. When they brought her down to me, I held her up and said, "I thought I'd never see you again. What do you say we go home?" Her response was to snuggle close and attach herself to my heart-strings. She is still my little love-bug and I am forever thankful to her for rescuing me.

Michelle Woodyard

Tessa's Legacy

Tessa's Legacy

Tessa was rescued from a kill Shelter in Ozark, Alabama in 2006. I found her on Petfinder and I just knew she was the one for me. I drove from South Florida to Alabama to get her and it was the best thing I ever did. From the minute we saw each other, we knew we would be inseparable. We had many challenges in our lives, but we endured them together. She was my inspiration as she and I grasped the happiness and trials of life. With her constant love and inseparable bond, she inspired me to write a spiritual prayer book for animals and register and trademark a symbol of love for animals. This has become her legacy and one I continue to share with others.

My little ten pound Maltese completely captured my heart and soul. I lost her in June 2018 at the age of 16. She was my world and I continue to ask her to help me through each day without her, and she has not let me down, and she never will. Her presence is all around me. It will always be 'Me & T". I will love and miss her forever. Rest in peace my sweet angel.

Lynn Tomaro

My little fighter

My little fighter

I had a male kitten that I was taking to the vet for shots and etc. when I seen kittens in the lobby for adoption. There was one still available; the cutest one which I wanted her. So I filled out the paperwork and a week later I went to pick her up. Her 2 sister where picked up that day also I continued with her vet care there. Found out that my baby Rebekah had went through a traumatic experience. Her and siblings where born to a stray momma. Animal Control found them, and because they where so sick they where all put in a high kill shelter. The day before their last day, MI cat rescue saved them. However the 3 females where really sick, mom and brother where healthy. At 3 weeks old my Rebekah weighed 1 ounce. She was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and medicine. She crashed at one point and the vets worked very hard to bring her back. She got better and could be with her sisters again. They where getting better. Didn't get to spend as much time with momma as brother did cause they where so sick. However, my Rebekah baby made it and at 9 weeks old I adopted her. My daughter had just passed at the age of 24. I was not doing well with much of anything. When I brought my girl home and she made me smile again and gave me something to love, the pain started getting better. When I heard her story, I knew she survived for me. I needed her as much as she needed me. She is such a sweetie; she always kneads on me and falls asleep any time of the day. She is so special and I love her just as much as she loves me. We are going to have a lot of years together. She is 3 years old now. No one would ever know she was such a sick little kitten. The whole family found good homes. Without my Rebekah baby I don't know that I would have made it through the grief of my daughter passing, but I did. I believe we where brought together because we both needed someone special to care for us. My little fighter that fought to stay alive, a tiny 3-week old kitten, is healthy 3 year old cat.


Callie & Bonnie

Callie & Bonnie

I received a phone call on a very hot July 3rd day. It was from my rescue friend who told me that there were some kittens in an empty lot and kids were throwing firecrackers at them. My husband left immediately to rescue them. He came back an hour later with 2 kittens both 2 months old. They had severe eye infections, fleas and worms. As soon as I put some food and water in front of them they walked out of the carrier and gobbled like they were starving. Then they walked to me and gave me a head butt thank you and laid down next to me. My heart melted. After a trip to the vet, it turned out Callie was completely blind and her sister Bonnie had lost the sight in one eye. We treated their eye infections, but the sight was gone for good. This didn't hinder them at all. They were both the sweetest cats ever and we decided they were ours for life. I have been a cat mama for decades but I have never known 2 cats as smart and loving as our Callie and Bonnie. We were lucky enough to have their love for 15 years and then they crossed the rainbow bridge, which broke our hearts. We will never forget you, our little rescues. You were such a blessing.


My Savior

My Savior

My Kellie was my savior when my husband passed away.
We adopted Kellie from a shelter at 5 months old, born in April 2009. I thought she would be a good therapy dog for my husband, who was a double amputee from his service in the U.S. Army and a brittle diabetic.
Kellie was a sweet loving puppy and transformed into an amazing part of our family. Many times, during the night, when my husbands glucose levels dropped Kelly would wake me with a little bark. I would then give him sugar to bring him back to normal.
After a few years I decided to save more rescues so I became a foster mom. I loved and trained them for their furever homes. Kellie was my inspiration to become a foster mom.
When my husband passed away Kellie was there for me and helped me through the worst first year of grieving. She sensed my moods and was right there to comfort me.
She was my savior.

Cheryl Warshaw

JoJo Shelter Boy

JoJo Shelter Boy

I was looking for a new kitty to have as an "indoor" buddy. I had another kitty, who adopted us, but Danny was "indoor/outdoor" and I had just lost another rescue to cancer (our "Macho" - a Maine Coon kitten who showed up in my garage one day.) I was actually looking for another Maine Coon, but had been unsuccessful, when I spotted JoJo's picture on a website in Pennsylvania. I drove there and found him cowering in a corner of a room full of other cats. I immediately brought him home only to find he had urinary issues and the worst case of ear mites I ever saw. I was told that he had been dumped outside the care center in a kitty carrier with no food or water. Once I adopted him, I got him on the correct urinary diet food and medicine for the ear mites and he blossomed into a beauty. He is now 13 or so and a real Mama's boy. So glad I made the effort. He fills every day with love and companionship.

Sharon S.

Rescued my Alice

Rescued my Alice

I always said to my husband, when we get a house that I would love to have a dog. So we got our house and then we started to look for a rescued dog. We met Alice at our local animal shelter. She was thin and feeling sorry for herself. My husband said she is the one, so we spent two weeks getting to know her and her know us. The day came to pick her up and bring her home, where she was loved and cared for. She had the run of the house, a cup of tea every morning, and a roast dinner every Sunday, as well as her own dog food and treats. She was my shadow. She was old but still had a spring in her step. Three weeks ago I had to say goodbye to her after having her for eight years. She took her wings and went up to doggy heaven. I so miss her, but she brought me and my family love, friendship, and much more: my princess Alice.

Janet Lane
Watford, United Kingdom

Won't you be my Valentine!!!

Won't you be my Valentine!!!

On February 9, 2014 I took a stray into my home whom I had been feeding for at least two years prior. On that day, February 9, 2014, a beautiful black cat with gorgeous green eyes fulfilled my home again after the loss of my Siamese cat of 19 yrs had passed away. I was devastated!! Needless to say Jade instantly became my valentine, especially since we were so close to Valentine's Day. He was the perfect cat!! Actually he was more human than a cat. Jade made my house a home; it was filled with love and every year I would tell him that he was my Valentine. On February 1, 2019 Jade had passed away of kidney disease and is now the process of being cremated so that he will be with me forever! I am truly devastated and saddened. We only shared five years together and I feel cheated because we held such a special bond together. You really couldn't have asked for a more perfect special boy! What holds true in my heart more than anything is how grateful he was to have a home and a great Mom!! He loved me dearly and I love him. This Valentine's Day will be empty, but filled with great memories!!!

Veronica Jacovini